Cichlid Growth 1Kg (Un Coloured)


Sizes are Crumble, 1.5mm, 3mm, 6mm.

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50 in stock

SKU: cgc1kg Category:


Cichlid pellets are manufactured to an Aqua-cultural standard, that means it is vitamin ramped and trypsin inhibited.
Vitamin ramping is something that has to be done to steam heated extruded foods, during the process of extrusion, vitamin content can be lost because of heat.

To avoid this, extra vitamins are added to maintain the correct levels.
Trypsin inhibition happens as a result of using Soy as an environmentally safe protein booster, incorrectly heat treated Soy will inhibit growth rate, Soy protein is used in nearly all fish food manufacture.

All aspects of manufacture of this product are tested by spectrographic analysis after extrusion to insure it is kept up to an aqua-cultural standard, which means producing fish to a premium standard in the best of health.

All pellets for Goldfish, Tropical or Cichlids are available in 4 sizes depending on the size of your fish. Crumble, 1. 5mm, 3mm, and 6mm.


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